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Our target return is


net of fees

Our approach

MB Investments doesn’t just take money from clients into the fund to be invested on their behalf. We actually partner with our investors to ensure that we understand what you are looking to achieve and what your risk tolerance and return expectations are. This informs us, while we make sure we inform our investors about what’s happening in the property and debt market across New Zealand.

Conservative by nature

We favour a conservative approach to lending and look to fund credible borrowers who have strong assets. This is done through both Commercial and Residential Real Estate Debt.

Market leading credit

MB Investments utilises bank-grade credit systems and processes, and each credit manager has decades worth of experience evaluating borrowers and the security underpinning loan applications.

High touch management

We assume borrower circumstances could change at any time. So, we maintain a highly proactive approach to loan management to ensure the ongoing performance of the loan book.

Key highlights

MB Investments investment criteria

  • All loans are secured by a first mortgage over real estate.
  • Where available, is generally supported by a personal guarantee from the sponsor(s) behind the borrower and, in most cases, security over other assets (GSA’s / SSAs).
  • Has security property supported by a valuation by a Registered Valuer dated no more than 3 months prior to the first drawdown of the loan.
  • Does not exceed $30m.
  • The borrower and the sponsor(s) are experienced and have the skill-set to manage their position and perform their obligations under the loan.
  • Has a maximum term of 24 months.
  • The Loan Commitment represents a maximum loan to value ratio (LVR) of not more than: 65% for land loans, 70% for construction loans, based on the ‘as if completed’ value of the project.
  • The market’s leading credit managers undertake full sensitivity and stress analysis to ensure that the loan conforms to lending policy and is within acceptable known risks.
  • The book is continually monitored for concentration risks across a range of factors. This includes location, security types, loan types / categories, borrowers, and overall risk profiles.
  • All loans are required to have a known, and achievable, exit strategy.
  • Locations or property types that would be deemed too hard to achieve recovery on (or where recovery would likely be too slow) will not be lent to. As a result, the focus is on major metropolitan centres.

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